It's hideous that it's taken me since March of this year to muster up a new post....whaaaat?! So much has gone here we go....Since my last post we've celebrated every one of our birthdays, softball season ended for Syd (didn't come in 1st this year, but 2nd), summer has come and gone which included Girl's camp for Syd and I, a trip to Utah to visit Becky and family, EFY for Connor as well as his last Scout Camp at Catalina Island, Connor's braces came off, Grace's brace's went on, our camping fun, and a bazillion trips to the beach. School is back in session, waterpolo season is coming to a close (Upland Varsity's going to CIF....whoop!) , Syd made advanced choir at the Junior High, I was made Young Women's President in our ward, Rod was just called as 2nd counselor in the Bishopric and we're just trying to keep up with it all!

Happy 7th Birthday Millie!...