Life just keeps rolling on and I can't do a darn thing about it. It's the kind of loss of control that makes a control freak like me have frequent dreams that my teeth are falling out. I finally had to look into it...why the teeth dreams? It seems that if you're finding yourself dreaming about teeth falling out you are "anxious and worried about things that you have no control over...i.e. money, getting older, and children growing up and becoming more independant". Well, there you go...check....check....and CHECK! However, all the worrying aside, I cannot deny that my life is good! My family makes me so happy. I love watching them enjoy life, their family and their friends. Here's the latest "Scott Scoop"...

On May 13th, I was successful in throwing a surprise 16th birthday party for Connor at my Mom & Dad's. I combined Connor's favorite things...his family, friends, music, water, and food and it was a big success! He had NO CLUE, which of course I was very proud of!

My sister Becky came to visit...just her, without her family. She was able to spend some time with Lisie's new baby and we were able to get some beach time in. We took a looooong bike ride and a jog with my dad. It was a fun, beautiful day!

Grace decided she wanted to try her hand at softball this year. Her team name: The PIRANHA'S! It was such a fun season and she did awesome!! We loved coming to all of her games. Her team ended coming in 2nd place, just barely losing the 1st place title!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!! May 6th Grace turned 11 and we had a birthyday party for a few ofher close friends here at the house. She has such a good time!
Mother's Day: Man, I love being a mom! Notice the matchbox necklaces that I'm proudly wearing that Grace and Camille made for me in primary!

On April 23rd, my newest niece, Braelyn Rae, was born and I had the honor of being in the delivery room to witness the miracle!
Here we go....brace's: phase 2....bring it on! Maybe when we're done paying for braces, we can eat again.
Syd decided she wanted to play soccer for the 1st time ever. I love how she just dives head first without fear into something brand new. Her friends dad coached the team and she was a natural! No one could believe she never played soccer before. Go ICE BOMBS!

The beach in January...thank you, California!
Every year we take a family trip to Disneyland and I'm proud to say that every last one of us is tall enough to ride alllll the rides!